Board and members
About us
On 20 October 2014, six members, gathered in the Constituent Assembly, founded the Leather & Fetish Milan Club, electing a transitional board. In addition to the directors elected by the members, any member of LFM can request to actively participate in the execution of the decisions of the assembly and to carry out, day by day, in the time he decides to be able to dedicate, the club project. In fact, alongside the elected directors, "collaborating members" may be present who, while not holding official positions, help the council in carrying out the task.
Each of us may have the ability, talent and / or imagination to make their own contribution or simply for the taste and desire of wanting to establish new relationships, important from a human point of view and that enrich the community, giving their time and their own energy to the group. On the CONTACTS page you will find every reference to start feeling part of the group.
The board







Our MEMBERS all have a role within the Club, all equally fundamental to decide together to carry out our activities and projects, how to live our events
LFM is a non-profit association. Anyone can join, the requirement is to be of age and not be in manifest contrast with the club's aims. Our members all have a role within the Club, all equally fundamental in deciding together how to carry out our activities and our projects, how to experience our events. To this end, in addition to the meetings, periodically called to carry out our business and to get to know us better, suggestions, advice and criticisms are always welcome. All those who put their active commitment to the management of the club also put their face (and their contact) in it and are available to make sure that each member has a voice, thus feeling an active part of a group.
Those who intend to join, paying a symbolic annual amount, are in fact the backbone of the club and exercise their sovereignty, deciding on the activity of LFM and meeting, in addition to events and parties, at our Members' Assembly. Each member can contact us through this site, on the contact page, on Facebook, on our page or in the group, on Planet Romeo on the “LeatherFetishMilano” Club page, Twitter or Instagram. In any case, you can continue to follow us even as a simple sympathizer, participate in our events, get to know us and make yourself known, share and have fun, and you will always be welcome!